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Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff Mazis:

  • Mazis, John Athanasios: Athanasios Souliotis-Nikolaidis and Greek Irredentism
    Mazis, John Athanasios: Athanasios Souliotis-Nikolaidis and Greek Irredentism

    Athanasios Souliotis-Nikolaidis and Greek Irredentism , Athanasios Souliotis-Nikolaidis (1878-1945) was a Greek military officer, undercover agent, author, and politician who in Greece today is not as well-known as he should be. Inasmuch as he is remembered at all today, Souliotis-Nikolaidis is associated with the much better-known Ion Dragoumis, with whom he was connected through bonds of friendship and ideology. In Athanasios Souliotis-Nikolaidis and Greek Irredentism: A Life in the Shadows, John Athanasios Mazisexamines the subject's contribution to Greece's irredentist activities of the early twentieth century, and answers some key questions: What were Souliotis-Nikolaidis's achievements as an undercover agent in Ottoman Macedonia? What was his behind-the-scenes role in the early elections of the Ottoman Empire, following the Young Turk Revolt? What was his relationship with important individuals and organizations of the Greek Diaspora? What was his contribution to the unique idea about the future of Greeks and Turks in a unified federal state? In this book, Mazis reveals that Souliotis-Nikolaidis, far from being a minor player in Greek irredentism, was an important actor whose many contributions deserve recognition. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 111.38 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Mazis, Marc: The Book of my Lessons
    Mazis, Marc: The Book of my Lessons

    The Book of my Lessons , "The Book of Lessons attempts to describe a series of lessons which were born from some encounters, signs, experiences and messages that I received from God. It is filled with the spiritual tools that were lovingly given to me to help me avoid the crash and burn of a life lived selfishly and without regard to the well being of myself and others. The messages and lessons include sacred sources of untold wisdom and intertwine all-religions and spiritual paths. They have taken me on a journey of tremendous personal transformation occurring by 'tuning into the Living Universe''' and ~ by practice. It is my hope that you too will see synchronicity in the signs and messages that you experience everyday, in your great Dance with God in a loving relationship. And that your connection with that love and power will light your path as you proceed, and the transformation will bring you unspeakable joy." - Marc Steven Mazis , >

    Preis: 32.91 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Kouzelis, Athanasios: HANSESTADT
    Kouzelis, Athanasios: HANSESTADT

    HANSESTADT , Das Buch stellt die Geschichte und Kultur vor, die sich im Zusammenhang mit der Gründung und dem Funktionieren des nordeuropäischen Handelsverbandes der Hanse im Mittelalter entwickelt hat. Es handelt sich um eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung auf der Grundlage der Quellen und der Chroniken der Zeit, die neben der Geschichte der Hanse wichtige Informationen über ihre politische Wirtschaft, den Schiffbau, den Städtebau, die Architektur, die Kunst, die materielle und geistige Kultur offenbart. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 79.90 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Kouzelis, Athanasios: Hansestadt
    Kouzelis, Athanasios: Hansestadt

    Hansestadt , Das Buch stellt die Geschichte und Kultur vor, die sich im Zusammenhang mit der Gründung und dem Funktionieren des nordeuropäischen Handelsverbandes der Hanse im Mittelalter entwickelt hat. Es handelt sich um eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung auf der Grundlage der Quellen und der Chroniken der Zeit, die neben der Geschichte der Hanse wichtige Informationen über ihre politische Wirtschaft, den Schiffbau, den Städtebau, die Architektur, die Kunst, die materielle und geistige Kultur offenbart. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 79.90 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Kouzelis, Athanasios: LIGUE HANSÉATIQUE
    Kouzelis, Athanasios: LIGUE HANSÉATIQUE

    LIGUE HANSÉATIQUE , Ce livre présente l'histoire et la culture qui se sont développées dans le contexte de la fondation et du fonctionnement de l'association commerciale nord-européenne de la Ligue hanséatique au cours du Moyen Âge. Il s'agit d'une recherche académique basée sur les sources et les chroniques de l'époque, qui, outre l'histoire de la Ligue hanséatique, révèle des informations importantes sur son économie politique, sa construction navale, son urbanisme, son architecture, ses arts, sa culture matérielle et spirituelle. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 58.06 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Kouzelis, Athanasios: DESIGN PRAXEOLOGY
    Kouzelis, Athanasios: DESIGN PRAXEOLOGY

    DESIGN PRAXEOLOGY , The present book aims to the scientific specification of design praxeology as the tacit knowledge that in particular promote new and improved ideas as models for their realization. Its reading is expected to clarify the thoughts and actions that concern realizable ideas' configuration in Architecture and Applied Arts, as well as the expertise that demonstrates the significance of genuine authenticity with which a designer offers his knowledge and creativity serving the objective reality by revealing its innovative forms. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 61.56 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Kouzelis, Athanasios: PRAKSEOLOGIYa DIZAJNA
    Kouzelis, Athanasios: PRAKSEOLOGIYa DIZAJNA

    PRAKSEOLOGIYa DIZAJNA , Nastoqschaq kniga naprawlena na nauchnuü specifikaciü praxeologii dizajna kak neglasnogo znaniq, kotoroe, w chastnosti, sposobstwuet poqwleniü nowyh i usowershenstwowannyh idej w kachestwe modelej dlq ih realizacii. Ozhidaetsq, chto ee prochtenie proqsnit mysli i dejstwiq, kasaüschiesq konfiguracii realizowannyh idej w arhitekture i prikladnom iskusstwe, a takzhe opyt, demonstriruüschij znachimost' podlinnoj autentichnosti, s kotoroj dizajner predlagaet swoi znaniq i tworchestwo, sluzhaschie ob#ektiwnoj real'nosti, raskrywaq ee innowacionnye formy. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 61.56 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Kouzelis, Athanasios: Liga Hanseática
    Kouzelis, Athanasios: Liga Hanseática

    Liga Hanseática , O livro apresenta a história e a cultura que se desenvolveram no contexto da fundação e funcionamento da associação comercial do norte da Europa, a Liga Hanseática, durante a Idade Média. Trata-se de uma investigação académica baseada nas fontes e nas crónicas da época, que, para além da história da Liga Hanseática, revela informações importantes sobre a sua economia política, a construção naval, o urbanismo, a arquitetura, as artes, a cultura material e espiritual. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 58.06 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Kouzelis, Athanasios: Liga Hanseática
    Kouzelis, Athanasios: Liga Hanseática

    Liga Hanseática , El libro presenta la historia y la cultura que se desarrollaron en el contexto de la fundación y el funcionamiento de la asociación comercial del norte de Europa de la Liga Hanseática durante la Edad Media. Se trata de una investigación académica basada en las fuentes y las crónicas de la época que, además de la historia de la Liga Hanseática, revela información importante sobre su economía política, construcción naval, urbanismo, arquitectura, artes, cultura material y espiritual. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 58.06 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Kouzelis, Athanasios: Ligue hanséatique
    Kouzelis, Athanasios: Ligue hanséatique

    Ligue hanséatique , Ce livre présente l'histoire et la culture qui se sont développées dans le contexte de la fondation et du fonctionnement de l'association commerciale nord-européenne de la Ligue hanséatique au cours du Moyen Âge. Il s'agit d'une recherche académique basée sur les sources et les chroniques de l'époque, qui, outre l'histoire de la Ligue hanséatique, révèle des informations importantes sur son économie politique, sa construction navale, son urbanisme, son architecture, ses arts, sa culture matérielle et spirituelle. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 58.06 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Kouzelis, Athanasios: Lega Anseatica
    Kouzelis, Athanasios: Lega Anseatica

    Lega Anseatica , Il libro presenta la storia e la cultura che si svilupparono nel contesto della fondazione e del funzionamento dell'associazione commerciale nordeuropea della Lega anseatica durante il Medioevo. Si tratta di una ricerca accademica basata sulle fonti e sulle cronache dell'epoca che, oltre alla storia della Lega anseatica, rivela importanti informazioni sulla sua economia politica, sulla cantieristica, sull'urbanistica, sull'architettura, sulle arti, sulla cultura materiale e spirituale. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 58.06 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Kouzelis, Athanasios: Ganzejskij soüz
    Kouzelis, Athanasios: Ganzejskij soüz

    Ganzejskij soüz , Kniga predstawlqet istoriü i kul'turu, slozhiwshuüsq w kontexte osnowaniq i funkcionirowaniq seweroewropejskogo torgowogo ob#edineniq Ganzejskogo soüza w Srednie weka. Jeto akademicheskoe issledowanie, osnowannoe na istochnikah i hronikah togo wremeni, kotoroe, pomimo istorii Ganzejskogo soüza, raskrywaet wazhnuü informaciü o ego politicheskoj äkonomike, sudostroenii, gradostroitel'stwe, arhitekture, iskusstwe, material'noj i duhownoj kul'ture. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 58.06 € | Versand*: 0 €

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